Which Prom Hairstyle is Right For You?

prom hairstyle
prom hairstyle

The glamor and elegance that you can have on the prom night would not only rely on your dress alone. Of course, you cannot be charming in the eyes of your date if you come with a worn-down hairstyle. Unfortunately, just like the process that you went through before you got your dress, it can be very daunting to pick from the numerous prom hairstyles that you can see on the magazines and websites on-line.

Before choosing from any of the hairstyles for special occasions, you must first know what kind of dress you will wear for the prom. If you want to wear a tube dress, you might want to tie your hair up. Just take a couple of strands of hair that would freely fall on the sides of your face and a little on your neck. On the other hand, if you would wear a Venus cut dress, you can just soft curl the lower part of your hair and squirt a little of that styling cream, enough to hold the curl for the night.

Another factor that you might want to consider when looking for prom hairstyles is the shape of your face. If you have a heart-shaped face, have your hair curled. It is not advisable for triangular faces to iron their hair straight especially when wearing dresses baring their shoulders. Meanwhile, those who are blessed with round shaped face may want to choose from hairstyles that would make them a little more mature like soft curled bangs. They should also add more volume to their hair as soon as it passes the ear. This is to give their face a balance and not to emphasize more on the roundness of their face.

If you or your friends do not have any idea on how to style your hair on your prom night, it would not hurt to take a trip to the salon at least a couple of weeks before the event. Ask for the help of a professional stylist or hire them to do your hair to make you look even more stunning. You can also take advantage of the hair extensions if you want to have fuller hair for easy styling. Just remember that the less is more phrase not only applies to the makeup that you would wear for that night, but also for your hair at the same time.

at 10:38 PM
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